Get to grips with gardening
28th April 2015
Now that spring has well and truly sprung, (ignoring the odd return of winter over recent days) there is loads to be done in the garden and what better way to get out and enjoy the weather.
Homeowners often forget that garden space is also part of their home and while many will spend hours looking at decorating and updating the interiors of their houses, all too often the outside space is overlooked. Having a well maintained garden can add value to a property as well as being pleasant for you and your family to enjoy.
When selling a property, it is vital to concentrate on the external ‘rooms’ of the house particularly as these are the first a potential buyer sees and it goes towards improving that all important kerb appeal and creating a great first impression. Even if you have no intention of moving, taking an interest in the garden can bring pleasure and is also a great form of gentle exercise!
If you’re new to gardening, and the prospect of pottering about in the undergrowth feels alien to you, the first thing to come to terms with is that you will need to get your hands dirty and there are creepy crawlies out there. Once you’ve got this into your head, you’re good to go!
Gardening doesn’t have to mean building yourself a greenhouse, buying a potting shed and being able to recognise a skimmia japonica at 20 paces. As a newbie, it’s enough to start small and keep it simple. Know that watering and tidying is enough to see great results and once you get these basics right, there is scope to immerse yourself fully into the green fingered world!
Water the plants
It’s best to water plants either in the morning or the evening, but be careful as too much watering can drown plants and too little can cause death by thirst! The trick is to find the right balance and there are a few things to watch out for that will help you to establish what is right for the plants in your garden.
Overwatering symptoms – Soaked soil around the stem of the plant, moss or mould growing on the surface of the leaves and yellowish leaf margins.
Underwatering symptoms – brown or dead leaves and plants growing slowly.
Give a weed a chance, and it will try to strangle your plants at every opportunity and any plants that have already been choked, provide a nesting ground for pests that can wreak havoc on your garden. Remove any dead vegetation and pull out any weeds before they take hold and choke your flowers. Cutting the grass also helps to keep weeds at bay.
Next steps
Once you’ve managed to control any plants you already have, take a look at some of the brilliant gardening websites available, or and once inspired, visit a local garden centre and stock up on new items. Beautiful gardens needn’t be hard to look after, it just takes a little time and attention. Follow the basics of watering and keeping the space weed free and your garden will be flourishing in no time!
Then you can start to think how best to use the additional room you have now created. Add a gazebo, a pergola, maybe a decked area, the possibilities are endless!